A case of serial ratchedness: Two Memphis men have over +40 kids!

Ladies if you see any of these men run away like a runaway slave!!
Terry Tyrone Turnage Sr., a serial reproducer, has 21 kids with 15 different mothers. Yes 21 kids! That’s enough kids to make up half the starters and bench players for the University of Memphis football team. His case was so large that it took up the entire docket for a whole day for all but one other case. Turnage, the serial litter maker, filed to have his child support payments lowered. One of the mothers said that he is ordered to pay $259 a month but only plays $6-$9 a month.

Latoya Shields
Latoya Shields, one of the mothers who had been with Turnage for eight years said,”she had to sit down when she heard the news. She also said, “during the whole relationship, I only knew of four children.” When a prosecutor told her that the father of her child had 20 other children she said her knees buckled, “At that time, three years ago, my child was the 21st child. Yeah, that would be overwhelming for anybody.” Another one of Turnage’s sperm depositories, Audra Johnson said, “I know $6 is definitely not enough. That`s not even enough to buy a bag of diapers.”
In surprising news he is not an active participant in his children’s lives. Unfortunately for us he did not appear in court because his family said he was in the hospital. Let’s hope he was being neutered and treated for hazmat contamination.

Richard M. Colbert, serial litter maker
Richard M. Colbert is another Memphis man who has experience in over populating the earth. Colbert has 25 kids by 18 women. Luckily for him, he doesn’t have any cases in juvenile court because all of his kids are adults. When asked if he expected to make a football team Colbert said, “You never start counting how many kids you are going to have. He thinks he is lucky and said, “everybody’s not able to have kids I guess.“
Desmond Hatchett, inmate #351367 who has just as many kids to match.Oh but that isn’t the record. Earlier this year we came to discover Desmond Hatchett. Mr. Hatchett has 30 kids, by 11 different women and by the way he is only 33 years old. Knoxville has the distinction of being home to this human sperm bank. And in other surprising news Hatchett is currently in prison for assault. He will be in for six years. He sure sounds like a winner.
So ladies if you see these men run. Hide yo wife, kids, and grandmas too. Hell hide your cats because if you look at them you will get preggo. These people are nothing but walking STD cases and you don’t want to be one of them. My advice is to vet your partners. Have some standards when looking for a partner like an education, a job, no jail record and a two child maximum. Gosh. My heart breaks for the kids. Remember you choose your mate you choose your fate. It can be the difference between poverty and prosperity for you and children. Choose wisely.
Sources: WREG, The Daily Mail, and WMCTV.