Help me understand Black women’s obsession with build-a-man projects and poverty peen

Example #1
Example #2
Read the two different examples above. Help me! Explain it! I’m trying to wrap my brain around it. I don’t understand Black women’s obsession with build-a-man projects and ashy poverty peen. Y’all addicted to it. Black women got all the degrees in the world, but for some strange reason, all that education goes out the window when y’all fall in love with a dude on a 5th-grade reading level.
Some Black women’s standards are:
1) Can he breathe? Girl, get with him!
2) Can he talk? Stay with him.
3) Can he read? He’s smart!
4) Does his peen work? Definite baby daddy potential. Marriage is a no go because according to hoteps, legal marriage is a White institution.
5) He works? Even if it’s 10 hours a week, he’s a good man.
6) Prison peen? At least you know where he’s at.
Chile Black women are supposed to accept basic crap and low standards because our self-worth is dependent upon our relationship status.

What the rest of the world sees when Black women take care of grown ass men
I want to focus on Black women who take care of men. Don’t you realize you are stifling him? Taking care of a man emasculates him and he’ll eventually resent you. After you spent your best years repairing a broken man for someone else he’ll leave you for someone who wouldn’t tolerate that struggle love sh**. You ain’t his mama! Get him off your nip. You’re his partner/wife. If a man loves you he doesn’t need encouragement to do well. He will do well because he loves you!
Let’s talk about Black women and prison peen. You have Black women telling the world they don’t eat McDonald’s while wanting to marry Dequan in jail. Dequan is facing 15 to life while Dequan is Big Mike’s prison wife. What do you think happens in prison? I’m like sisters who date inmates, “Don’t you know you’re the side chick?” How can he provide from prison? Does he have a retirement plan? You’re going to be 70 working and taking care of his ass. Get a clue.
Help me understand. What is it about poverty/prison peen that makes a Black woman settle for a lifetime of ramen noodles, hot dogs & pork n beans, paying his child support for his second family no one talks about, fighting hoodrats over a piece of a man and bad credit? You are beautiful and can have any man you want. Why settle for this? If you’re a woman of faith, what happened to being “equally yoked?” Does poverty peen hypnotize you? Is poverty peen made of gold? Is it because the only thing he knows how to do is screw because he has nothing else to offer? If we’re honest most of y’all fake orgasms anyway and you only want him because you’re lonely. I’m trying to understand how poverty peen turns women into junkies like crack heads.
Please make me understand why we’re so starved for attention that some of us are willing to accept breathing and living in toxicity as a quality for an ideal mate. Get therapy and understand you deserve happiness, joy, and someone who will provide and protect. Anything less is unacceptable.
Fyi don’t come to me with the SJW (Social Justice Warrior) classism stuff. People are OK with men and women of other races having standards. Once a Black woman does it, all of a sudden we hate poor men. Nah son. I don’t hate poor men. I hate poverty because I grew up in it. Why would anyone with common sense want to go back to it?
What do you think? The only limit you have is the one you’ve placed on yourself. Think and be limitless.
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This article is on point but you aren’t touching on the subject of educated black women who are with bum white men (not as educated, make less money than them, are ugly af) and make excuses for him because he’s white. This needs to be addressed.
There’s nothing to be address here as this isn’t particularly common. The % of Black women with white men is overall low period, let alone the % with bum white men, yet whenever there’s talk about Black women holding Black men to better standards someone rushes in to mention white men & this rare population. It’s a transparent deflection.
From an early age they brainwash black girls to think that they should not expect much from a man, be low maintenance and be a ride or die chick for a man who don’t treat you right.
A lot of men and women in the black community always shame a black woman who want financial security, they call them gold diggers, materialistic and disloyal. The sad thing is that they paint struggle love as something romantic.
“we have go through so many things, but we are still together”
The problem is that black girls and women DO NOT KNOW HOW TO VET MEN properly. They don’t. No one taught us and our girls how to do this. Marrying well is not understood or is entirely a foreign concept. But not for black men. They are almost predatory about it. Black MEN know how to marry up….like all the other women in the world. Black women act like the men and the mother in a relationship. No. Just no.
At the risk of sounding defensive….white women do it to. Women by nature are nurturers. Some women love projects. Some men love projects.
Black Women are taught to have no standards when it comes to Black men. It seems like Black men themselves perpetuate said standards to either date out of their league or be lazy about doing better. Either way I can’t be bothered.
When I was single I insisted that my man minimally have no children, be raised by a father, have a real job and a car. That’s all. But I was told I was asking for too much. I held firm and got what I wanted.
Hold to your standards ladies! Your dream man is out there!
Hello Bougie Black Girl,
As always a truthful article, The above person facebook comment about her loser boyfriend is not shocking at all. Black women need learn how to vet future mates and have standards. I was having a conversation with my nephew and we are in the same age range, and he has a son out of wedlock. He finally met a woman who is well education but here the problem. He has nothing to give to her socially, and financially as a future mate. Working two part-time jobs with out a degree, technical trade and his own apartment is bad. He is couch surfing between his mother household and girlfriend. This nephew magic word is potential. I told him you have potential when you are a child growing up and when you become an adult you would have reach that potential with a degree, business and having one’s own household. Yes I burst his happy bubble. The young lady he is seeing is a fool because she playing house with this loser. Yes I called my nephew a loser because he is one.
This passed through my timeline since I attended not one but 2 HBCUs during my University days (wasn’t intentional but it worked out that way) and several friends shared this.
Let me add I’m a white male, been married for several years and my wife(who is black) does make more than me…HOWEVER. I also work from home as a freelance graphic designer, artist, and do the domestics around the house. I figure it’s the least I can do to balance things out.
That being said I often saw women with examples of this at university. The men who were most popular among the young women were at the extreme ends of the spectrum: Either they were the “Professional” student, Member of the Greek Organizations (the Kappas at this school were rolling deep) , very well put together, mind on their studies but still going to the party on weekends type.
Then you had the opposite: The guys who were always rolling into class higher than a Georgia pine (if they showed up at all), studying easy courses but when asked about their career path they usually would say their plans were to be a Rapper or a DJ.
Sometimes these men were (but not all the time) the drug hustlers on the campus.
In the middle you had a proverbial bag of mixed nuts but the extreme ends tended to attract women. The rest of the men including myself…always found this odd.
I never understood this. I’m ashamed to say this was me when I wa s younger. Wandering around in the wilderness of dating that they dropped me off in with one match and a Swiss Army knife. Somehow I was expected to survive. I did but just barely. We need to be given the tools to have a healthy relationship. That means either a healthy upbringing or going to therapy to undo the toxicity of your upbringing. That also includes being given the tool of self-worth by your caregivers or seeking it within yourself with the help of therapy. Oh, this is a long long long long discussion so I’ll just spare you and get off my soapbox now.
I love the way you write by the way.