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Another Coon Rapper Dissess Black Women. Please put his career in a respirator before it starts.

Yes, another  lame brain crapper needs his career on  a respirator before it starts.  Chicago native Lil Bibby known for his mix tape called “Free Crack”(hm),

June 03, 2014 Colorism, Culture
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It’s time to drop the “one drop rule” and let Blacks define Blackness

Race is a social construct however race has real world implications. We see it with systematic racism in our everyday lives. I wrote this when

June 03, 2014 Colorism, Culture
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Bougie throws a massive side eye towards the Black women haters who want us to be outraged over Donald Sterling

Dearest Negro, We here at Bougie Black Girl land find it absolutely ironic that your ass is upset about some old White man’s comments about not

April 26, 2014 Colorism, Culture

Hey African American your Nana Lied. You Don’t have Indian in your Family.

I took a DNA test (see the results here) and the test said what I already knew. I was overwhelmingly African. Before the test results

April 21, 2014 Colorism, Culture, Race
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The massive side eye of Lupita Nyong’o

For some reason we are witnessing the massive side eye of Lupita Nyong’o. I have my suspicions why. It’s the Black inferiority complex. It is amazing

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Brother you mad about Black women dating out. Then step your game up homey.

Hey Black man, don’t come into Black women’s spaces and tell us how to tend our garden when you have weeds and trash in yours.

May 31, 2013 Colorism, Culture
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I didn’t get the memo: When did acknowledging dark skin beauty turn into light skin hate?

I have had a few people sincerely ask me, “why do you feature pictures of dark skin women on your Facebook page?” “Do you hate

November 10, 2012 Colorism, Culture
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Hollywood is at it again. Zoe Saldana is to portray Nina Simone.

It has been reported that Zoe Saldana will replace Mary J. Blige in the role of Nina Simone. Nina Simone was a real life person.

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Black women have the right to be amazing!

Lately I have been dealing with the infiltrators and manipulators on my Facebook page and on my blog. I was warned and it was expected.

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Black people stop supporting Anti-Black entertainers who hate you!!

“Never underestimate internalized racism. People can be oppressed, yet continue to express their oppression in their own choices.” ~ Susan Morris

July 05, 2012 Colorism, Culture, Race, Sexism
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