Lately we have seen a new trend in parenting where parents are now shaming their kids online. Well I’ve had enough. I complain about parental shaming in the video below. Check it out, rate, subscribe and share!
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Hello Bougie Black Girl,
Insightful video about parenting. I’m not a parent as yet, but shaming your child via internet is wrong. These so-called parents are unsavory. There concepts of parenting is based upon how they were raised. I have encounter parents in public space shaming and cursing their children. I calmly step in and introduced myself to mother and children. Some how I was able to speak to the parent about their behavior. Once the mother started to speak with me I was able to remind her that she was a child/teenager at one time, yet my main focus was on the child/teenager because they needed to know that a complete stranger believed they have worth. While talking with the parent, I kept telling the parent your child/teenager is sweet, loving, and worthy of praise. This work with two of the mothers because they were able to realized cursing, and screaming is not productive. With other mothers I called the police because the cursing and screaming led to physical assault on the child. Child development and psychology classes should taken by parents to understand the cognitive process of children.
I hated the video shaming trend against the children tactic. It could damage the children through a long-term with cyber bullying and endanger them from unknown strangers.These parents do it for attention for a two-minute internet fame.