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Black Men

There is something about gospel music touches my soul and makes my heart sing with unfettered and uncontrollable joy!

I love gospel music. I grew up in a baptist and catholic household. So when people asked me about my religious affiliation I would always

November 15, 2012 Culture
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I didn’t get the memo: When did acknowledging dark skin beauty turn into light skin hate?

I have had a few people sincerely ask me, “why do you feature pictures of dark skin women on your Facebook page?” “Do you hate

November 10, 2012 Colorism, Culture
Rekia Boyd and Trayvon Martin 22

The Invisible Victim, The Black Woman. I Have her Back, Do YOU?

I am an unapologetic pro-Black Woman! Being a pro-Black Woman doesn’t mean I am anti-man. It means that if you were to ask me who’s side

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Give me that Old Time Tradition!! Some of my family’s old ways!

Lately I  find myself thinking about the old ways. A picture, a song or my mothers laughter unearths memories thought long lost to the ages.

July 12, 2012 Culture
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Black people stop supporting Anti-Black entertainers who hate you!!

“Never underestimate internalized racism. People can be oppressed, yet continue to express their oppression in their own choices.” ~ Susan Morris

July 05, 2012 Colorism, Culture, Race, Sexism
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Over 50% of African-Americans and other non-Hispanic blacks were unemployed in New York City!! That’s crazy!

According to the New York Times article Blacks Miss Out as Jobs Rebound in New York City over 50% of African-Americans and other non-Hispanic blacks were

June 21, 2012 Career and Business, Culture, Race
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Racist and ignorant ass-umptions that people have said but didn’t think they were racist or ignorant!!!!

as·sump·tion  [ ə súmpshən ] something taken for granted: something that is believed to be true without proof belief without proof: the belief that something is true without having

May 08, 2012 Race

Via Fire Fitness Coach: I was that THICK CHICK!!

I was that “THICK” chick that just knew that I was the hottest thing going. I said the things like, “men love it”, “I’m the

May 08, 2012 Health and Beauty
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Bougie doesn’t give a darn who you date Black man!

Release the Kraken!! It is summer and guess what? We once again are going to be flooded with articles on how Black women are supposed

May 03, 2012 Colorism, Sexism

Why do I focus on Colorism and Intra-racism? The question I am asking is why are you willing to ignore it?

I have had many people ask me, “why do you post about colorism and intra-racism?”  They have told me that they didn’t want to hear

April 24, 2012 Colorism
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