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????? 6

Stop using your god as an excuse for inaction

I am a Black atheist but one thing that gets my on my nerves is when people use their faith as an excuse for inaction.

October 02, 2014 Culture
Infant Sucking Finger 10

Dear Black America, I am a Black mom who doesn’t believe in spanking.

This is in response to some people justifying Adrian Peterson beating his four year old child with a switch. He has been charged, indicted and released on

September 13, 2014 Family
black-church-women-1641 33

I’m a Black Unicorn Baby: I am a Black Woman Atheist!

I am a Black woman atheist. I am not on #teamjesus #teamgod or whatever.  Yes we exist! How am I an atheist even though studies say Black

January 15, 2014 Culture
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My third great grandfather Warren McKinney’s Slave Narrative

My third great-grandfather Warren McKinney (1859-1938) participated in the Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves.

March 14, 2013 Culture
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Now you can play runaway slave with Django Unchained action figures!!!

For just $24.00 each or for $224.00 for all ten dolls you can play runaway slave, uncle tom, white side kick, slave owner and others with

January 06, 2013 News You May Not Know About
Image by Dario Urruty 23

Whenever I hear a Black Woman call herself a “strong Black woman” I roll my eyes and automatically think mule.

Whenever I hear a Black Woman call herself a “strong Black woman” I roll my eyes and automatically think mule. You know the animal that

November 14, 2012 Sexism
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Give me that Old Time Tradition!! Some of my family’s old ways!

Lately I  find myself thinking about the old ways. A picture, a song or my mothers laughter unearths memories thought long lost to the ages.

July 12, 2012 Culture

“Django Unchained - Official Trailer (HD)”

I am a huge Tarantino fan however I have heard so many bad things about this movie that I may not want to see it. Check

June 06, 2012 Culture, Uncategorized
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