Protecting Victimizer Pharaoh I Have Nothing aka “Conscious Brothers” While Ignoring Black Women
Some people are upset that I am making fun of the fake Black male Egyptians aka “Conscious Brothers” who scream Hotep. First of all,
I am not Trayvon Martin: The Black Media Ignores Black Women Victims
Dear Black media why are Black males deaths more worthy of coverage than Black females? Aren’t all acts of violence equally egregious? Do Black women
I am proud to say I am not an ideal Black woman.
In the Black community, I believe there is an ideal Black woman. The ideal Black woman is strong, unbreakable and tough. She is able to
Whenever I hear a Black Woman call herself a “strong Black woman” I roll my eyes and automatically think mule.
Whenever I hear a Black Woman call herself a “strong Black woman” I roll my eyes and automatically think mule. You know the animal that
D.L. Hughley says that Black Women complaining about his stereotypical sexist diatribe on NPR means Black Women are angry.
D.L. Hughley responded last night on Twitter to the criticism he received when he said that Black women were angry on NPR. Read more about his
An open letter to people who want to write an open letter to Black women and put it on Huffington Post.
Dear Black People who want to write an open letter to Black women, I am writing an open letter to people who want to write
Black women have the right to be amazing!
Lately I have been dealing with the infiltrators and manipulators on my Facebook page and on my blog. I was warned and it was expected.
Black people stop supporting Anti-Black entertainers who hate you!!
“Never underestimate internalized racism. People can be oppressed, yet continue to express their oppression in their own choices.” ~ Susan Morris
Dear America, Black women exist.
Dear America last time my gynecologist checked I am a woman. Black women exist. A few days ago I had a discussion online about the
A Message to my Sisters
At first I wanted to write this post directly to those who want to stay in our hairlines, those who want to watch our waist