Lil Wayne has worries!! Millions of them.
The chickens are coming home to roost. Yes you heard that right. Pepsico dropped Lil Wayne.
What caused Pepsico to drop Lil Wayne after years of misogyny and violence in his music? In a song he said, “beat that p*ssy like Emmett Till.” Read more about civil rights icon Emmett Till here.
Pepsico said in a statement that Lil Wayne’s, “offensive reference to a revered civil rights icon does not reflect the values of our brand.” Read more here. By the way, this is only hours after he issued his non-apology apology to Emmett Till’s family.
My question for Pepsico is, have they heard his other music which is equally offensive? Well this a start. He isn’t the only one to learn not to mess with really, really rich folks money.
Former Correction Officer and identity thief William Leonard Roberts II, stage name Rick Ross, was recently dropped by Reebok after learning about his song that encouraged date rape. Mill Meek, who is on Rick Ross’ label went mad and is now threatening Reebok. As if, lol. Tyler the Creator is taking heat for his display of coonery in his Mountain Dew commercial which many have dubbed as, “the most racist commercial ever.” Mountian Dew dropped that ad too. That Annie the Chicken Lady from Popeyes and angry Black Woman Superbowl ad gives this one a run for its money. Observe the foolishness below. v=d07WuxXAkGo&feature=youtube_ gdata_player
These men have been putting out this trash for so long, they are surprised that corporations said no mas and it has come back to them. You know what? It’s about time. Purveyors self hatred take heed. We will hit you in the pockets.
These companies need to stop hiring “rappers” as their spokespeople. They suck!
Of course they dropped him, he disrespected a black man. Had it been a black woman, it would have been part of his art, self expression and free speech.
I will be elated when companies stop dealing with them due to their language that hypersexualize Black women and constantly disrespect us.
Wow, it is sad this ugly gremlin is even popular for disrespecting Emmitt Till.
Our Community has no morals these days