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African Americans

Big Momma, my grandma and momma Gert. 1

100 Days to a Brand New You: Discovering Who You Really Are (85/100)

by Shanay Watson-Whittaker Crossposted from With shows like TLC’s  “Who Do You Think You Are?” and Dr. Henry Louis Gates’ PBS series, “Finding Your

January 25, 2014 100 Days to A Brand New You
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100 Days to a Brand New You: The Secret to Success (86/100)

Do you want to succeed?  Do you want to live up to the potential you are fully capable of? Here are the things you must

January 24, 2014 100 Days to A Brand New You
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100 Days to a Brand New You: Sister let me show you how beautiful you really are (89/100)

“People often say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that

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Happy Birthday Zora Neale Hurston!!!

Sometimes, I feel discriminated against, but it does not make me angry. It merely astonishes me. How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my

January 07, 2014 Culture
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Black Women don’t settle. Aim high!!!

It seems like there is a contingent of people who want Black women to settle. We have all dealt with it. If you focus on

January 31, 2013 100 Days to A Brand New You
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Why do some folks hate Scandal? Because Olivia Pope isn’t a stereotypical Black woman.

I believe some folks hate Scandal because the main character is a successful Black woman who defies every stereotype of who a Black woman is

January 14, 2013 Culture
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My rant: Black people are not the Borg.

This issue has bothered me for god knows how long. Black people are not the borg (Star Trek reference). For some reason people believe that Black

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Black Women take Lessons from Politicians. Cultivate Your Image!

The most important thing a  can Black woman do besides the acquisition of wealth and power is to cultivate and define our image. I do

January 04, 2013 Career and Business
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Hey Black lady get selfish. The time to live your dreams is now!

Sis I want you to be selfish. Yes selfish. It’s time to focus on you so I want to ask you by this time next

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Black Women Should Date Who the Heck They Want But if You are Really In the Market to Date, Date out!

I tend not to look at the emotional side of things. For me it actually comes down to numbers. The truth is that there are more

November 30, 2012 Culture
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