I am tired of hearing that so and so are sellouts or Uncle Toms because they voted for a political party. Let me let you in on a little secret. Both corporate owned gangs, I mean political parties, are funded by the same people and corporations.
Everyone wants to point to political affiliation but I believe they are wrong. People vote their interests. Even if you disagree with them, like you, they have the right to vote as they choose without having to explain it. This is what kills me about the sellout and Uncle Tom accusations. We are quick to label someone who disagrees with our politics as a “sell ut” or “Uncle Tom” but we fail to see that we all want the same things. We all want a wonderful community, with great schools and a chance to achieve and live out our own dreams. The difference between so called left and right is that we just go about it in different ways. So who are the real sell outs?
- Sellouts and Uncle Toms are the drug dealers who sell poison to kids.
- They are the gang members who terrorize our streets and schools.
- Sellouts and Uncle Toms are the violent criminals.
- They are the perpetual litter makers who create children they cannot afford.
- They are the child abandoners who refuse to provide for their children.
- They are the people who pollute our natural resources and neighborhoods.
- The sellouts and Uncle Toms are the people who sell financial products for banks and other firms that are aimed at ripping off Black consumers.
- Sellouts and Uncle Toms are the preachers and activist who charge people who have faced injustice in exchange for their “services.”
- Sellouts and Uncle Toms are the pastors who demand 10% of income from church members in an impoverished community without giving something back to that community.
- Sellouts are people who refer to other Black people as n’s and b’s.
- Uncle Toms and sellouts are those who equate Blackness with negativity.
- Sellouts and Uncle Toms are the sexists, misogynists, homophobes and bigots.
- Sellouts and Uncle Toms are colorsist and internalized racist who hate Blackness.
Those people are the real sellouts and Uncle Toms.
Let’s stop looking at each other through the left and right prism that isn’t even ours. Your conservative sister or brother is not your enemy. Your liberal sister or brother is not your enemy. We have a lot more in common that we do differences. The enemies of Black people are those who seek and destruction of Black people and trust me, those people do not care about political parties.
The only limit you have is the one you have placed on yourself. So think, be and know you are absolutely limitless.
I agree.
Uncle Toms/Sellouts are the ones who use Blackness to make green. They practice selective collective to benefit themselves and those they claim to care about. That would include pretty much ever rapper, hip hop producer AND/OR actor of the past 25 years.
You sure you’re not in my head because word for word everything you mentioned above is who I call sellouts and Uncle Toms.
Meeee! here I am! I’m a sell out! I woulda come sooner, but I was too busy assimilating to mainstream culture and attending white, baby Jesus church from Monday to Sunday! Plus, I had to find my favorite “I love to shine white folks shoes” T shirt.
Great post! I think often we are conditioned to accept thatasell out is a black person who does well in school, speaks proper English, or even just has white friends or relationships. This post beautifully points out how we have been misusing the term sell out for decades.
Excuse me ‘Nocherokeeblood’ but I speak proper english and did very well in school and received scholarships. But I am not a SELLOUT.
I don’t have a lot of black friends because I don’t like to associate with people who are insecure and do not love themselves. They are always putting each other down. Plus there are way too many sellouts in the black community. It’s difficult to know who you can trust. I also have a preference for people who like to learn and like to read.
I don’t have a lot of white friends because I don’t like to be around people who have an unjustified venomous hatred for people of colour. Plus they have an unjustified and exaggerated sense of superiority.
We need to identify and repudiate the sellouts that are keeping our people ignorant and self-hating. We have to stop rewarding these people with more power and visibility.
You should all read Uncle Tom’s Cabin then you will realise Uncle Tom was actually a man of great integrity and the sellout was Sambo who was rewarded with privileges for being a snitch and willing to torture other slaves. Uncle Tom was whipped to death by Sambo for refusing to deny his faith or betray the hiding place of two fugitive women. Far from being a snitch, sellout or snake Tom lost his life protecting runaway slaves.
The Uncle Tom YOU know is the one born from white peoples ‘Tom shows’ where they flipped the tricky switch on us again and painted Uncle Tom as a passive weak sellout when he was actually the ride or die for his own
You are one of those leading blacks;You can always tell and Americanized house nigga”They all speak and write like their masters.
Check out our New Age Sell Out - Booker T. Washington Syndrome series on blackawarenessfoundation.com.