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African American Women


Bougie Black Girl’s 2012 in review.Thank you for supporting me. I am humbled and grateful

The stats 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This

December 31, 2012 News You May Not Know About
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Hey Black lady get selfish. The time to live your dreams is now!

Sis I want you to be selfish. Yes selfish. It’s time to focus on you so I want to ask you by this time next

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Black Women Should Date Who the Heck They Want But if You are Really In the Market to Date, Date out!

I tend not to look at the emotional side of things. For me it actually comes down to numbers. The truth is that there are more

November 30, 2012 Culture
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Black American Employment Snap Shot!!!

The new Census  Equal Employment Opportunity Tabulation that Provides a Profile of America’s Workforce data came out today. This basically tells us about our nation’s employment data

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Satan Get Behind Me and Lawd Cure My Disease to Please.

A few years ago I was watching the Oprah show and one of the guests mentioned the disease to please. From what I recall some

November 16, 2012 Culture

There is something about gospel music touches my soul and makes my heart sing with unfettered and uncontrollable joy!

I love gospel music. I grew up in a baptist and catholic household. So when people asked me about my religious affiliation I would always

November 15, 2012 Culture
Image by Dario Urruty 23

Whenever I hear a Black Woman call herself a “strong Black woman” I roll my eyes and automatically think mule.

Whenever I hear a Black Woman call herself a “strong Black woman” I roll my eyes and automatically think mule. You know the animal that

November 14, 2012 Sexism

D.L. Hughley says that Black Women complaining about his stereotypical sexist diatribe on NPR means Black Women are angry.

D.L. Hughley responded last night on Twitter to the criticism he received when he said that Black women were angry on NPR. Read more about his

Rekia Boyd and Trayvon Martin 22

The Invisible Victim, The Black Woman. I Have her Back, Do YOU?

I am an unapologetic pro-Black Woman! Being a pro-Black Woman doesn’t mean I am anti-man. It means that if you were to ask me who’s side

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Give me that Old Time Tradition!! Some of my family’s old ways!

Lately I  find myself thinking about the old ways. A picture, a song or my mothers laughter unearths memories thought long lost to the ages.

July 12, 2012 Culture
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