Welcome to the fifth installment of “Awesome Black entrepreneurs you should know and support” series. As you know in the United States, the Black dollar circulates only once in the Black community; while in the Asian, White and Jewish American communities their dollar circulates 17-21 times. This series aims to end that disparity. You see Black businesses hire Black people and Black jobs create Black wealth. Our goal is creating, growing and maintaining multi-generational Black wealth. We want you know about Black owned businesses and the inspiring people behind them.
I would love to introduce you to 15 year-old (YES she’s 15-years-old) entrepreneur and all around incredible young lady, Zandra Azariah Cunningham of Zandra Natural bath + body. Zandra Natural bath + body was featured on our list of over 70 Black owned hair and cosmetics companies you should support.
BBG: Tell us about yourself?
Zandra: My name is Zandra Azariah Cunningham, I am the 15-year-old behind the Zandra Natural bath + body brand. More importantly I am an advocate for girls education. I am passionate about creating opportunities for girls, inspiring and empowering girls to dream big, support each other and do the work it takes to live on purpose. I am funny, creative, moody at times and I love Drake lol.

Zandra and her mom Tamara
BBG: AW she loves Drake!! OK who or what inspires and what is your life purpose?
Zandra: I am inspired by my mom and nana a lot! They work really hard at business, family and being good people. I watch them and hope to be like them. I believe my purpose right now is to make other girls like me feel worthy, to show them that if I can, they can too. That will mean different things to different girls, so I want to create many ways to inspire girls all over.
BBG: Incredible! Tell us about Zandra Natural bath + body and what inspired you to start it?
Zandra: My inspiration was totally selfish at first. I just wanted more lip balm. Well, I really wanted lip stick and make up but I was too young so lip balm was all I was allowed to wear. Soooo I would ask for it all the time and one day my dad refused to get it for me, he said no and suggested I make my own. I spent weeks trying to do just that until it worked.
BBG: How does Zandra Natural bath + body. address the needs of Black women and girls?
Zandra: Zandra is really about access. Access to big dreams, to the idea that you can do what ever it is in the world you want and most importantly, access to education. In our community this is a something we are lacking. Brown girls most often feel like they are less than or like they can do what they see other people doing or accomplishing. I am happy to say that its getting better, but I want to use Zandra as a foundation to support more of that change.
Zandra speaking at TEDxYouth at Buffalo
BBG: Won-der-ful! What are your goals for Zandra Natural bath + body?
Zandra: Oh boy, big things!! My product line will continue to expand. I am working build more retail partnerships. Soon I will launch my business start-up support program , I am building a platform to support other kid entrepreneurs. hope to create the programming I wished I had when I started. Lastly, I plan to roll out my Zandra Beauty Maven Program so girls can start their own Zandra business and make money.
BBG: AWESOME!! What advice would you give other Black women and girl entrepreneurs who want to start a business?
Zandra: Stay focused! Everything around us is a distraction. If you really want to do something, then do it. Do it every single day. Like, get off your cellphone and do it. Organize your plan and work it until you see it paying off and then repeat and give back.
BBG: Thank you for your time. So where can we purchase Zandra Natural bath + body products?
Zandra: Zandra products can be purchased on my website www.Zandrabeauty.com , www.Purchaseblack.com and boutiques across the nation.
And a child shall lead them. She is an entrepreneur and gave a Ted Talk too. Did I tell you Zandra is 15-years old? Miss Zandra is incredible. She has inspired me and I hope she inspired you. If you have a dream go for it and like Miss Zandra said, “stay focused!” Don’t forget to shop at Bougie Black Girl advertiser Zandra Natural bath + body today!!
The only limit you have, is the one you have placed on yourself. Think and be limitless.