On Tuesday, July 3rd, the body of three year old Maurice Brown Jr., was found in a dumpster, only 12 blocks away from his home. He was reported missing just days earlier.

The father, Maurice Brown Sr., just days before he was arrested being interviewed by the Memphis media. Image via MyFox Memphis.
On Sunday, at 10:25 pm, at 347 S. Pauline, his father Maurice Brown Sr., age 28, rapper and Grape Street gang member reported the baby missing. “Brown said he last saw his son about 8:30 p.m., when he fell asleep. Upon waking, Brown said, he found the door to his apartment open and his oldest son missing. Brown then told police that he took his 1-year-old son and went looking for the missing child in and around their apartment.” In various statements to the police and to news outlets in Memphis, Brown Sr., told them that the boy may have been missing because of his affiliation with the Grape Street gang. Brown told the media that ,”I searched the house and he was nowhere to be found. [I] got in my car, drove around the block and called the police…” He also said, “There’s a lot of people that know me, there’s a lot of people that hate me.”
But according to the Commercial Appeal, “a neighbor contradicted that story, saying he saw Brown leave the apartment sometime between 7 and 8 p.m. with the larger of the two children draped over his shoulder. Police found blood in the bathroom of Brown’s apartment.”
Days later the father, Maurice Brown Sr. was charged with aggravated child endangerment or neglect. He is being held on $1 million bond.
By the way, while the police were searching for his son Brown Sr., was on Facebook accepting friend requests. What a way to mourn!
In response to messages left on her brother’s Facebook page, his sister, Tanika Stevenson, said, “You dummies will let da news tell y’all anything…anyone of us can lose our mind. It happens everyday. My brother loves his kids.” Right? He loves his kids so much that he dumped the baby in a dumpster and went on Facebook accepting friend requests. There are some sick people in this world that really think like this and his sister’s statement is proof that this madness may be inherited.

Maurice Brown Sr., age 28, has been charged with aggravated child endangerment or neglect of Maurice Brown Jr., age three who’s body was found in a dumpster on Tuesday by the Memphis Police Department.
This monster is currently being held at 201 Popular (the Shelby County jail in Memphis) where he is no doubt a target. His next court date is July 26th. The R.S. Lewis Funeral Home has offered to conduct the funeral services for free.
This thing may have murdered a BABY. A three year old baby! I do not understand why and because you are sane you may not understand either. But folks stop reproducing with the monsters. I implore you for the sake of yourself and most importantly your children. Your children deserve more than thugs, litter makers and criminals as parents. You deserve to have a partner who will provide a stable home for you and your children. To leave your most precious asset to the likes of a gang banger is MADNESS! Absolute madness.
I am not a fan of the death penalty but in some cases I understand why people advocate for it. May this child’s soul rest in peace and may others learn from this incident. And for Christ sake SAVE YOUR CHILDREN!
Two other babies have been murdered in cases of neglect in Shelby County, TN this year:
- Two year-old Reinyah Ballard, suffocated while being left unattended
- Eighteen month old Calvuna Reese, was shot in the head by her 2-year-old brother while left unsupervised.
Sources: Commercial Appeal, the New York Daily News and MyFox Memphis
This is a damn shame.
Yep. I wish his father could suffer ten times over!!
Hi Babe,
Every African American needs to purchase or read this book- THE UNCIVIL WAR - BLACKS vs NIGGERS by Taleeb Starkes.
There is a terrible difference between a NIGGER & a BLACK!
NIGGERS are a dysfunctional & criminal subculture within the African American community, that should be rounded up & f-ked into an active volcano.
This would benefit EVERYONE in society!
All the bleeding hearts should be f-ked into the volcano with them.
Are you aware that ROSA PARKS was mugged & beaten by a NIGGER for $53?
And there are as many NIGGER FEMALES as there areAS MALES!
And they breed like RATS!
Until the BLACK community tell SHARPTON & JACKSON to F-K OFF & stop making excuses foir SUBHUMANS, there will never be an answer to this CANCER in the African American community!
Bad Parents
Rickesha Burns Pleads Not Guilty to Shoving Vibrator Into 2-Year-Old Son’s Anus
By Matthew Hendley Wed., Apr. 10 2013 at 11:54 AM
Categories: Bad Parents
Rickesha Burns
The Phoenix woman accused of shoving a vibrator into her 2-year-old son’s anus has pleaded not guilty to charges in the case. The vibrator had to be surgically removed.
Rickesha Burns, 21, called police almost two weeks ago, reporting that her son was bleeding from his anus but said she didn’t know exactly what happened.
See also:
-Rickesha Burns Accused of Shoving Vibrator Into 2-Year-Old Son’s Anus
She said she was at a park with her son that day, March 24, and while she was “looking at a text message for about 10 seconds,” a boy she didn’t know at the park did “something” to her son, according to court documents obtained by New Times.
“She said she does not know what he did but is sure he did something,” a probable-cause statement says.
The boy was brought to Phoenix Children’s Hospital, and doctors discovered that he had numerous bruises around his anus, a “hanger-type” bruise on his hip, and yet another bruise on his neck.
Doctors also found an object lodged in his rectum, which appears to be “a vibrator or some other sex toy.”
Police interviewed Burns, who still claimed that a teenage boy at a park did it, even though she “believes it is her vibrator,” and police found the boy’s blood on her shirt, according to court documents.
A Phoenix police spokesman said there was zero evidence that the boy was assaulted at the park.
Burns told police that she “worked hard to get her son back and would not do anything like this to hurt her son.”
Indeed, court records show that Burns was investigated for child abuse in 2011, but it doesn’t appear that criminal charges were ever filed. State records don’t show any criminal history for Burns, other than a couple of misdemeanor cases related to driving without the proper documentation.
Burns’ son needed to have surgery to get the vibrator removed, according to court documents. Police said the injuries around the boy’s anus appear to be caused by a hanger, or similar object, being used in an attempt to get the vibrator out.
At her arraignment today, Burns pleaded not guilty to the charges against her, including sexual conduct with a minor and child abuse. A judge had previously ordered that Burns be held without bond.
Her next court date is scheduled for May 23.