Want to Change Your Mind, Change Your Destiny? Check out my book on Amazon for on $2.99
I did something I always wanted to do. I wrote a book. I wrote “Change Your Mind Change Your Destiny” specifically for Black women. Unlike other
A Black Woman’s Place Is In The Boardroom! Let The World Know It.
Yes, a Black woman’s place is in the boardroom so let everyone know. We are selling T-shirts to raise money for the forum. How awesome
Dear Black America, Stop Begging For a Seat at the Table and Build Your Own.
Dear Black America, It is time to focus on building our wealth. Rioting doesn’t scare America. Marching doesn’t scare America. If it did, things would
Black women why are some of us the masters of self-sabotage?
Black women, I don’t get it. I don’t get it. I don’t get it. Why are some of us masters of self-sabotage? From thinking it
The Aaliyah movie in one word: F*CKERY
The Aaliyah movie in one word F*CKERY! Pure F*UCKERY! Y’all know I don’t curse but this warranted it. We should have known it was going
Bougie Black Girl Forum for Black Women GoFundMe Update!! OMG!!
I am in shock. Yes shock. Check out my shocked face above. Forget 30% we are at 47% of our goal on GoFundMe. AMAZING. No it
Tip of the day: Black women beware of dream killers! Protect your dreams!
Beware of dream killers and protect your dreams! Who are our dream killers? Sisters our dream killers could be the same people who love us. They could
Three things you can do to make money for the holidays!! (with no or little money)
“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Dont sit down and wait for the opportunities to come.
Major Announcement!! Help us create something special for Black women!!!
Because of the recent attacks on Facebook aimed at shutting down Black women focused pages including our Bougie Black Girl page, I have decided to
The left vs right fight isn’t ours. Black Americans must focus on wealth building.
“Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you’re a man, you take it.” ~ Malcolm X Because