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Via Jeddah Mind Trick: Burnt Skin (A post on racism overseas)

BBG - Angelica is an African American woman from Detroit (the “D”) but an Arizona exile who writes about her experiences of living in Saudi Arabia. Angelica

April 30, 2012 Colorism, Race

Why do I focus on Colorism and Intra-racism? The question I am asking is why are you willing to ignore it?

I have had many people ask me, “why do you post about colorism and intra-racism?”  They have told me that they didn’t want to hear

April 24, 2012 Colorism
brown-paper-bags 93

We are all Black but you as a light skin person are benefiting from light skin privilege.

Colorism:”is a practice of discrimination by which those with lighter skin are treated more favorably than those with darker skin. In the African-American community, this

April 23, 2012 Colorism
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White washing of Black women singers and the deafening silence on the skin bleaching epidemic!!! **Warning** This post is filled with sadness and madness!

My People By Langston Hughes The night is beautiful, So the faces of my people. The stars are beautiful, So the eyes of my people.

April 16, 2012 Colorism, Race
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Bougie Doesn’t Want to Think Like a Man!!

Next week will be the beginning of the mass Black exodus to our local movie theater to see Think Like A Man. Like The Help,

April 13, 2012 Colorism, Race, Sexism

Uh oh. Bougie Black girl has gotten some folks mad

Good Afternoon Bougie Divas and Gentlemen!! Whew! I am off to an amazing start. Folks are all in a tizzy about my last blog post.

April 12, 2012 Colorism, Race, Sexism
D._L._Hughley 189

Black Men in the Entertainment Industry who have dissed Black Women that Black Women still support!!!(((WARNING: Laced with madness, the stupid, profanity, and hella colorism)))

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them” Maya Angelou I am about to get real and raw. WAKE UP SIS!! Black Women these

April 11, 2012 Colorism, Race, Sexism
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