How dare you. How! Dare! You!
“Them nappy headed hoes but my kitchen good.” Nicki Minaj
At first I thought this was a joke and then I realized after your faux apologies came in that this was real. Unlike others, I am not I am not surprised. I see you for what you are. Like your color struck self hating “mentor”, Lil Wayne, who disgraced Emmett Till, you are an opportunist and racist who sees the financial opportunity in this.
“These little nappy headed hoes need a perminator.”- Nicki Minaj
Your usefulness, cartoonish coonery and buffoonery and Sarah Baartman act is coming to an end and so you needed a way to sell records and regain relevance. Well you have it. I usually ignore the willfully ignorant but every inch of my being compelled me to say something against people like you. People who steal what belongs to us for your own personal gain. You are a nonBlack/sometimes Black when it is convenient culture vulture and if hell existed, I’d tell you to go there.
“Who taught you to hate the color of your skin? Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips? Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to so much so that you don’t want to be around each other? No… Before you come asking Mr. Muhammad does he teach hate, you should ask yourself who taught you to hate being what God made you.” Malcolm X
In your most popular songs you have disrespected Blackness. You find every way to separate yourself from your own Blackness by calling yourself nonBlack and yet you steal the image of one of our most cherished sons, our Black prince, Malcolm X. Do you know who Malcolm X was? I assume you and the record execs do. Malcolm X was a man who loved his Blackness. He embraced his Blackness. He fought for his Blackness and he died for his Blackness. To top it off you have the nerve to place his beloved image next to a god damn cover called “Looking Ass Nigga”. Your niggerfied depiction of Malcolm X appeals to Whiteness because that is exactly what you do. Your image, your music and your existence justifies White racism and reaffirms their privilege. You codify and soothe their false sense of supremacy. Everything Malcolm X did not. You know this and that is why you do it. Do I blame you? No. You have never been held accountable for your past antiBlack statements. Your dumb ass Black fans know you hate them and still support you. Well that is about to change.
I will tell you what others won’t say. The truth is we all know you would never do this to a White leader because your worship Whiteness. You, with your sliced and diced mutilated face and plastic body parts, blonde wigs and on again and off again fake British accent. You, the one who has molded herself to emulate someone other than yourself. You are nothing but a slave. A slave who worships at the altar of something you will never be, White. Like a drug dealer who sells poison on our streets or the gang banger who kills our people, you sell Black inferiority in a pretty brown plastic box. You are the lowest of the low. A traitor to your own kind. You are a White supremacist in brown face.
I am not going to be like the naïve and foolish who call this a “teachable moment.” Teaching time is over. It is time for action. From images of Harriet, Martin, Emmett and now Malcolm, the war on Blackness by you and others has gone on for far too long. Today I ask for a boycott of all of Minaj’s music and every single one of her ventures until her and her kind no longer have a career in music. I, like many others, will not tolerate the disrespect of my culture by culture vultures like you who openly hate Blackness but profit from it. Let this be a warning for all Black and Brown White supremacists, until you do right by my people and my culture we will not support you. Until then I hope your career dies a quick and brutal death.
She is a disgrace.
You have my full support. I am appalled by her, her recordlabel and all others that see nothing wrong with this attack on Malcolm X’s legacy.
Thank you!!
I hate Nicki Minaj so much. I hope she goes away soon. Her music is terrible and her outfits and wigs suck too. I am so upset that she disrespected Malcolm X like that
Thank God no one will remember her in 30 years
I take solace in knowing that years from now she will be irrelevant.. A skid mark in our history.
Speak Bougie Black Girl!
Nicki Minaj disrespected the life, struggle and sacrifice of Brother Malcolm X! Nicki Minaj is a Mentally and Spiritually Lost Female! Using language like of “N” & “B” is female acting and living on a lower human level. Her mother needs to wash her mouth and mind out with some extra- strong anti-bacterial soap. She is one of reasons why too many of the Black youth, especially females disrespect themselves, parents—and others. The youth needs to listen to Positive Music that calls themselves Positive and Uplifting Names. You are what you allow to come inside of your Mind, Body and Soul!
As Elder Baba who fought in the Black Empowerment Struggle on the front lines with the Young Black Panther Party and other Black Organizations in the late 1960s and 1970s—I am have become ill to see what has happen too many of our Black Youth. Disrespecting themselves in the public like whore, tramps, buffoons, foul mouths and uneducated fools—for the other races to laugh at, mock us and disrespect us. It a shame before the Almighty that the first Human Beings to walk on Earth, builder of Great Civilizations, the creator many Sciences, and developer of the first Spiritual and Religious System—that too many of our Youth are living and enjoying a lower level lifestyle. Note: Black Folks we need pray for Spiritual Help, work with the Youth to show them a better way, and be a good example of what a Proud and Positive Africans-acts and looks like.
It is disrespectful for anyone (males, females, Blacks, Whites, Asians, etc.) to call Africans “N” or “B”. Do call yourself negative labels or answer anyone who calls you negative labels or outside of name. Name yourself and call yourself uplifting-titles, and labels to help raise your life to positive accomplishments and successes. Do not live in sewer of life! Rise and Fly High to your Positive Goals in the Life!
I agree this ignorant tramp crossed the line. Larry Silverstine - What do muslim Arabs hating blacks have anything to do with the subject matter at hand? While that may be true that is a CULTURAL thing not a RELIGIOUS thing. Islam is more than a religion, it is a way of life. The Quran does not teach racism. In fact, muslims are taught to not see color and that ARABS are not superior to any other race. Your interoperation of Quran is totally out in left filed and it seems you have use this forum, which has nothing to do with religion as a platform for your disdain or Islam. So to you I say, READ as clearly your understanding is flawed. Islam is perfect, Muslims are not. You do not take an entire sub-culture and allow it to define a very broad way of like like Islam. Further, anyone that truly knows Islam know that you can’t take a few selected Ayats from the Quran and draw understanding of them without first studying the history and intention behind those Ayats. What was going in during that period of history that caused the Ayats to be revealed. Islam is a solution to all of life’s trails. That being said, it is impossible to interpret Quran at face value without first having studied the history behind each ayat. Further is even harder to understand the TRUE meaning unless you know quranic Arabic.
Now that we have cleared that up. sister, I totally agree with you. Nikki Minaj lacks talent. I have never cared for her and she is the epitome of modern day cookery at its finest. I wish her and all of her counterparts just dig a hole and never come out! Thank you for this much needed, in your face write-up!
please excuse any typos. I typed in a passionate fury to express myself! However, I am sure the overarching point is clear!
Thank for articulating so well what most of us simply had no words to express.
Very well written, expressed and thought out!!!
Love this !! Hate that fake lookin ass Trash!!!
yet another desperate attempt at finding a scapegoat for the issues you wish you could control. This article is nothing but misjudged and misdirected bile. You paint minaj as “hate-filled” then go on to feed your self-satisfied hypocrisy with a stream of hate, unverified blame and ignorance at a fellow black woman, who has never pretended to be otherwise. You talk of a “dissected face” - her face is untouched by the surgeon’s knife. Her body is not, but the result is subversive caricature of the “black woman” stereotype. Here minaj is not the issue - someone like Katy Perry and her caricatured backup dancers are. She has always referred to herself as a black woman - unlike, say, Beyoncé. He wigs and outlandish makeup are too, subversive; undermining the white ‘Barbie’ image by celebrating black women’s differences. Her “nappy” lines are problematic - but that’s about it. You just need to credit her more, and learn to blame others for black women’s problems.
I consider you ignorant and a troll. You are also a danger and a threat to black women. What does Katy Perry have to do with BW? Nothing actually. There is nothing misjudged about Nicki and her misogyny dear. If you’re too obtuse to recognize it, then that’s your problem. Yes because straight blonde weave and speaking in a fake English accent is TOTES REPRESENTING BLACK BEAUTY DUR HUR. Do you hear yourself?
I believe Beyonce has black-faced as well Just search Beyonce black faced). I already knew Nicki was a clown. There are so many anti-black clowns on planet commercial it’s not even funny :\