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Young Woman Thinking --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis 3

Stop revictimizing domestic violence victims when they need compassion, kindness and love.

Today Mrs. Rice wrote a statement in support of her family. Per her Instagram account: “I woke up this morning feeling like I had a

September 09, 2014 Culture, Family
baby 3

Childless by choice vs Parents: Who loses?

Aren’t you tired of the childless by choice vs. parents “debate?” Heck, I am.  It is another way to force societal pressures on another human

September 04, 2014 Culture, Family
parent 4

Parents of Black, Latino, First Nations or mixed raced children need to have the “talk” with our kids.

If you are the parents of Black, Latino, First Nations or mixed race especially Black children you need to tell them the truth. Love will

August 25, 2014 Culture, Family
grandma big 12

My Nana’s Advice. Her common sense tips for Black women to have a successful life.

When I look back on it I realize that my nana was awesome and was ahead of her time. She went to college in the

Corncobs and meat on grill 4

23 rules for surviving your family bat guano storm cookout. Feel free to add!

By BBG and La Femme Negrita It is summer time. Tis the season for cookouts, fighting relatives,  and family friendly mayhem. Here are some tips

July 03, 2014 Culture, Family
Man and Child Having fun in the park. 2

10 Awesome Things About Dads

Awesome dads need to be recognized so today we put together a list of 10 awesome things about dads. 1. They may not know how to

June 12, 2014 Culture, Family
little girl 27

In the negro please files: When saying “Don’t have kids you can’t afford” makes you EVIL

You would have thought saying “don’t have kids you can’t afford” was logical common sense but it is not.  One, two and even three children

May 15, 2014 Family

My 15-year-old daughter is one of my greatest inspirations. She has Asperger’s Syndrome and she embraces it!

by Shanay Watson-Whittaker Crossposted from My 15-year-old daughter, Alexis is one of my greatest inspirations. She has Asperger’s Syndrome and she embraces it! She

One of the most selfish things I have ever seen: A single parent won’t pursue child support.

One of the most selfish things I have ever seen a single mom do was to decide not pursue child support. It wasn’t because her

February 22, 2014 Family
wedding rings 1

100 Days to a Brand New You: (Guest Post) A #Husband’s Redemption (77/100)

This is a guest post on our 100 Days to a Brand New You Challenge.  This post is different from our usual posts on the

February 04, 2014 100 Days to A Brand New You, Family
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